This will be real short and sweet as we are running around trying to get a lot done before daddy heads back to TX but, here are the weeks highlights---------THe jeep was a huge hit daddy was sooooooo surprised and loves his new toy! Uncle Jim turned the big 5 0 on Wednesday and mommy and daddy went out with him to celebrate while g'ma Debbie spent the night with us. The last one is of Jaycie Claire and her new big girl saying " it's just water--its no big deal" We have had issues with being scared of the rain but, now she just says that over and over the entire time its raining you can even hear her telling her animals and babies that when she is in the crib! Its so cute. Tucker finished his second week of summer school one more left and its back to the real deal. We had a great flamingo fridays last night with the neighbors complete with the street blocked off and a liveband!!! Lots of dancing and fun! Well we're off again catchup with more news and pics later.
The Coonkids