Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Well here it is, what we have to show for all our hard work over the past almost year! Other than desperately needing grass (its starting to sprout) we are feeling pretty good about our progress! The back is still waiting for its 25'X30' brick patio but, we have to wait for Daddy to get home to do that, he has all of July and August off this year so we are all hoping to get a ton of house stuff done it a short time while he is here -----good thing we are an outdoor family. Come see us anytime we live right by a park and love to show off our new rooms!

Luv T. and J.C.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Miss you Daddy

Hi Daddy Hope work is going good! We miss you a bunch Mommy hurt her back and hasn't been able to move much so its pretty booooorrrrring around here luckily, G'ma Pam came up for a few days to save us. Hopefully Mommy will get better soon and July will be here before we know it! I Love You Jaycie Claire

PS Remember this picture when I almost went night night in your arms?

Monday, May 14, 2007

Surprise!!!!!!!! We're Back On Again!

YES! We are still Doing the Blog!
Yes! We Love our New House!
Yes! We know it has been 2 months and we have grown like weeds and are ornarier(sp?????) than ever!
And Yes! Daddy is home and we love all the time we have spent with him!
Tucker has been accepted to pre-school and goes to meet his teacher this week and Jaycie Claire started gymnastics a few weeks ago and just loves it! Mommy and Daddy have been landscaping the heck out of the lawn we are putting in a patio and trying to grow some grass. Jaycie has really started Talking and Tucker has pretty much mastered the potty training. We have so many new little friends to play with in our neighborhood and go to the park down the street to play all the time. Life is great in Heyworth IL hope it is with you as well we will try to be a little better about keeping up now that we are settled in ------Can't wait to show pics of the new house soon as well! Love and kisses---The Coonkids